
Friday, May 1, 2020

ginger beer syrup

This is a simple recipe that makes a delicious ginger syrup that you add to soda water and it taste exactly like ginger beer  here is the recipe to make the syrup.

4 1/2 tablespoons  of ginger
1 cup of water
1 1/2 cups of sugar

1. Firstly peel a chunk of ginger then grate the ginger using a fine grater and measure out 4 1/2 tablespoons of ginger.

2. Next place the ginger in a medium size pot and measure out the sugar and the water and have the heat on medium then stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Then leave the syrup to infuse for an hour.

3. Strain the mixture (get rid of the ginger) and allow to cool.

4. To serve put 3 tablespoons to 4 depending on how strong you like it of ginger syrup in a glass and fill with soda water and enjoy.


  1. Hi Summer.
    This looks like a great recipe to try, its so easy.
    I like how it's a syrup and you can add soda water to get your individual desired taste.
    The picture's were also a great idea.
    Did it turn out how you expected?

  2. Hi Summer. Thank you for the ginger beer recipe. I like how you posted a series of photographs along with the instructions as it makes it easier to follow. Well done. I might have a go, but I need to find some ginger.
