
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Blow and kiss acrylic pour 

WALT negative space acrylic pour using a blow and kiss technique.  This is my negative space blow and kiss acrylic pour, its fun and easy to make. 

These are the materials that you need to make this:

  • canvas or wooden board

  • Acrylic paint

  • Straws

  • Balloons

  • Cup

First you have to get a canvas or a wooden board, then cover your board in white paint.

Pick your colours next and put them in some cups pour your colours over the board in one of the corners.

Next get your straw and blow the paint out but don’t blow it all over the canvas because its a negative space pour. 

After you’ve blowed the paint over the canvas blow your balloon up and dap it in some places on the canvas. Then your done.

Would you do one like this?